Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Recording Studio

Okay, so this was written in December of 2012.  Not that long ago, so I'm putting it up.  I'll get you caught up on what's been happening in 2013 in the next one.  Thanks for you patience:

I had a great time this morning with Ed Blanton of Encore Music in Mt. Pleasant.  I had stopped into his shop a couple weeks ago to check it out and purchase my nephew, Conner Fersner's, Christmas present.  When I got there, I noticed there was a recording studio associated with the shop, but when I got in there, I got too busy talking to him, the other clerk, checking out the stuff they had, etc. to remember to ask about the studio.  But I went back the next week and we made an appointment for me to take the tour.

What fun.  I felt like if there was going to be a recording studio in The Guitarist, I should probably have stepped foot in one in my lifetime, eh? 

Anyway, the Encore studio is not a big place, but it's big enough to get a good idea of what goes on and how it works.  They do strictly digital recording there with a computer but as Ed and I talked, he was able to tell me quite a bit about the history of guitars and recording.  I evidently know what an analog sound board looks like, so I'm good. 

I had several questions and came up with more as we talked which he answered willingly and with a smile.  He didn't act like I was bothering him too much, so I'll take it.  And he said I could call anytime with other questions that might come up.  I'm sure they will.

So if you're looking for anything in the musical instrument or performing departments check out Encore Music.  Also, my guitar teacher, John Smith, Jr. who has been mentioned in this blog before is teaching there now.  So that's a plus, obviously.

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